  • Kinder mit Dysmelie und Orthoprothesen | © Pohlig GmbH
    Orthoses, prostheses, functional aids
    Orthopedic technology

Let yourself be inspired! We follow many interesting patients during their Pohlig appointment and give you personal insights.


For those who want to delve even deeper into the subject, we have a suitable video for almost every area of treatment!


Take a look behind the scenes at Pohlig and learn about different health conditions and our innovative assistive technology solutions!


Sometimes funny, sometimes explanatory, sometimes emotional - but above all always entertaining: our videos on TikTok!

Kleiner Junge mit Orthese kuckt durch einen blauen Ottobock Care Logo Ring

Pohlig as part of the network

Constantly on the lookout for better and better solutions to improve the quality of life of our patients, we are now taking the next big step and opening a new chapter in our company history.

As a member of the world's largest care network with over 400 locations, we can now combine our strengths with the best PatientCare companies in Western Europe, among others.

The best solution for you!

Orthopedic technology for children and adults

POHLIG helps children, young people and adults with physical limitations to maintain, improve or regain their freedom of movement. Because every person is unique, we adapt every orthosis, prosthesis or functional aid precisely to the user’s body and, if necessary, also build custom-made products.

Always driven by the desire to increase mobility of our patients – and thus also the quality of life – we are constantly looking for new materials and production processes with which we can achieve our goals.

We are one of the absolute pioneers and technology drivers in our industry in children’s orthotic care. We have been working intensively for years on digital scanning technology, 3D printing and the numerous possibilities offered by digitalization in orthopedic technology. We supplement and expand our traditional craft with digital technology wherever new technologies bring measurable added value.

We can help you!

Clinical pictures

Even though we also care for adults, paediatric orthopedics is especially important to us. Children with a disability or deformity also want to be active and explore the world. We would like to help them be able to do this to the best of our ability.

We are intensively active in providing assistive aids for the following illnesses:

infantile cerebral palsy (ICP), arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), spina bifida (MMC), dysmelia, foot deformities, scoliosis, pigeon chest, paralysis.

Icon Unterschenkelfußorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

An orthosis is used to stabilize, relieve, immobilize, guide or correct limbs or the torso.

Icon Myoelektrische Handprothese | © Pohlig GmbH

A prosthesis is a visual replacement for a limb and performs various functions of the missing part of the body.

Icon Orthoprothese | © Pohlig GmbH

In the event of malformation, an orthoprosthesis compensates for the shorter length of the leg and, if necessary, provides corrective support.

Symbol Esshilfe | © Pohlig GmbH
Functional aids

Personal functional aids are used to treat amputations or congenital deformities on upper extremities.

At a glance

Always good informed

Corona-Regeln bei Pohlig | © Pohlig GmbH
Corona measures

As part of the essential critical infrastructure serving the healthcare system, we can ensure that you receive all the necessary care from us, even during these difficult times. The following page summarizes all the important rules that must be observed when you visit us.

Neuigkeiten zum Thema Orthopädie-Technik | © Pohlig GmbH
News about orthopedic technology

Do you want to stay up to date? On this page you will find all information about new products, innovative manufacturing techniques, events for patients and therapists and much more.

Icon Calcaneus-Rotations-Ringorthese  | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 861 7085 200

Grabenstätter Straße 1
83278 Traunstein

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Icon Korsett | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 8052 95631 11

Bernauer Straße 12
83229 Aschau im Chiemgau

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Unterschenkelorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 89 678 050 11

Bayerwaldstraße 11
81737 München

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Silikonhandorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 911 25529 11

Südwestpark 92
90449 Nuremberg

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Unterschenkelfußorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 8038 9087 679

Krankenhausstr. 27
83569 Vogtareuth

Mo-Fr: 8 - 17 Uhr

Icon Kopfhelm | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 6221 75164 11

Waldhofer Straße 98
69123 Heidelberg

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Icon Pohlig-Hüftabduktions-Orthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 221 606 075 11

Köhlstraße 10
50827 Cologne

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Talus-Repositions-Ringorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 221 606 075 11

Köhlstraße 10
50827 Cologne

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Spiralhandorthese

+ 43 804 080 0

Altmannsdorfer Str. 89
1120 Vienna

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Icon Kielbrustorthese | © Pohlig GmbH

+ 49 941 2060 7860

Im Gewerbepark C64
93059 Regensburg

Mon-Fri: 8 am - 5 pm